Thursday, November 20, 2008

Simple Formula For Transformation

I was recently listening to a presentation by Bill Phillips (of "Body For Life" fame) about transformation. Bill's niche is in health and fitness, but his message applies to all aspects of life and business. He presents a simple formula for transforming your life. Notice that this is a "simple" formula, not an "easy" one! Following the formula requires discipline and the ability to acknowledge that there is something that needs to be improved (transformed).

The "Simple" Formula is to answer the following questions in order:
  1. Where am I now?
  2. Where do I want to be?
  3. Why?
  4. When do I want to be there? (and when will I start?)
  5. How will I get there?

Simple, but not easy!

Where am I now? This question requires an honest assessment of whatever it is you want to change/improve/transform. Write down or otherwise document the current state. It can be a picture, a process map, an outline, or anything else that provides a clear statement of the starting point.

Where do I want to be? Once you know where you are, you need to define where you want to be. What is the outcome you desire? As Stephen Covey says, "Begin with the end in mind." You need to be clear out this. As with the present state, the future state must be clearly documented and very specific. The more specific, the greater your chances of attaining the future desired state. Think of it as if it is already true and then describe what that looks like or find a picture that clearly represents the desired outcome.

Why? This question is extremely important. You must have a compelling reason for making a transformation. This is the driving force, the motivation factor, and ultimately what will keep you going when you encounter obstacles. Look at the end state you documented and think about all the benefits that will come from arriving there. Brainstorm the tangible and intangible benefits and then develop your "why" from that list. It should create a burning desire within you to achieve the goal.

When? You must answer two questions here. When will you begin and when will you finish. There is no time like the present and ideally you should begin immediately (once you've answered the 3 questions above); but, there may be valid reasons why you can't start right now. That's OK. But, write down exactly when you plan to start the transformation process and commit to beginning on that date. Then, set a deadline. The deadline should be realistic but it should also stretch you. Compressing the timeline will require greater discipline and effort, but will result in greater success. Speed is your friend. The faster you are able to achieve your goal the sooner you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor; and the less likely you will be derailed by distractions or other obstacles that could cause you to fail.

How? Finally, it's time to take action! Once you have clearly answered the where, why, and when questions and written them down, it's time to create your plan for making it happen. Determining how to accomplish something can be a big stumbling block for many people. However, you can simplify the process by starting general and adding the specifics as you go along. Don't worry about having everything planned out on day one. The important thing is to get started towards your goal and then build on the momentum as you achieve incremental successes. Your plan (the "how") is a living document that will grow with you and become more clear after each step you take. Answering the other questions before answering how will make the process much easier. You can also think of this process as "ready, fire, aim"...which means GET STARTED and then figure it out as you go. The important thing is to take measurable action towards your desired end state every day and make corrections to your plan as needed.

I deliberately did not provide specific examples to demonstrate this process because I don't want to limit thinking and creativity. If you review each of the steps, you will see that they can apply to any goal you wish to undertake.

Use this simple, yet powerful, formula to design your future and dramatically improve your life.

Keep a positive attitude and believe that you can achieve!

Scott Thomas

your guide to opportunities marketing

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