Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Be Thankful For What You Have, Not What You Want

Thanksgiving is a great time to reflect on the year so far and appreciate all that you have, all that you have accomplished, and everyone you have shared your life with. Don't get so caught up in life that you forget to enjoy the journey.

Instead of focusing on what you don't have and what may be lacking in your life, look around and take stock of what you already have. Think about what you have accomplished, where you have been, where you are now, who you have helped, and who has helped you. Make a list of everything and everyone in your life you are thankful for and carry it with you.

If you want more in and out of life, you must first appreciate what you have. It is an attitude of gratitude that will help you find balance. Carry this feeling with you throughout the year. Think of 3 things you are grateful for every day before you get out of bed.

Remember there is no time like the present to show appreciation. When someone does something that pleases or helps you, let them know immediately. Make it a habit and practice it often.

Thanksgiving is a time to be thankful and a time of giving. Be a thankful giver and you will have even more to be thankful for next year!

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