Thursday, October 30, 2008

Make Today Wonderful!

I am currently reading Brian Tracy's "Maximum Achievement," and I highly recommend the book to anyone interested in improving their life. Brian relates a story about a man who decided to wake up every morning and tell himself something wonderful was going to happen to him that day.

This struck a chord with me...mostly because of how simple it is compared to verbalizing a list of 100 affirmations in front of the mirror every morning! I decided to try it for myself. What an amazing little tool for starting the day off right. When I wake in the morning, before I even get out of bed, I think to myself..."something wonderful is going to happen to me today"...and I smile. I found that this simple process makes me happy and excited to begin the day. I now spend my day wondering what wonderful thing will happen to me next.

The bonus is that if you expect something wonderful to happen, then you are more tuned in to what is happening around you. And...something wonderful will happen! It may be something small like finding a quarter on the sidewalk or something big like getting upgraded seats at the baseball game (I started with free nose-bleed seats and ended with free seats behind home plate!). It could also be a pleasant phone call or an email you didn't expect, great seats at a restaurant, seeing a bird or wild animal that you don't see every day, seeing a single flower bloom in a garden; it really can be anything that lifts you up that day.

When something wonderful happens, acknowledge it and be grateful. This will affirm that wonderful things really do happen to you every day.

Start your day with this wonderful affirmation and you will be more energized, happier, and more positive. Try it's free, easy, and it works!

May something wonderful happen to you every day!

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Website owners...Check out this cool tool!!

If you are currently in Internet Marketing and have a website, you should definitely check out this cool tool! Dave Guindon has created a video that shows you how to use Peel Away Ads 3.0 and he's also included some free gifts (including an absolutely free Private Label Rights product).

The tool allows you to put an irresistible clickable link or message in the corner of your web page. It looks like the page is peeling away (thus the name of the tool). When you move your mouse over it a bigger picture displays that becomes a clickable link to send the visitor to a bonus offer, a discount buyers page, etc.; or you can simply give them a secret message for looking. What you do with it is up to you and your creativity.

I purchased the product and was able to put in on one of my web pages in just a few minutes. Watching Dave's video and the video tutorials that come with the product are really all you need to get started.

So go check it out now at and enjoy the free video. Don't forget to download the PLR product on the right side of the video.

Have a fantastic day!
Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

Saturday, October 25, 2008

More opportunity than ever...

It's hard to escape the doom and gloom stories about the economy these days. We are being bombarded everywhere...print, TV news and commercials, radio, Internet, etc. What is not being mentioned in the mainstream media is that we may be experiencing the greatest opportunity of our lifetime!

The stock market is tumbling...bad news right? Maybe if you are about to retire and neglected to convert your investment portfolio to lower risk and/or guaranteed return investments. But for the rest of us this can be great news. When is the best time to buy stock? When it's low! We are definitely looking at some lows right now. The key is to invest in companies that have a strong track record, have been in business for many years, and are likely to stay in business for many years to come (think "value investing" or the Warren Buffett way). The current stock prices for many of these companies do not reflect their true value and are essentially on "sale."

A down economy is also a great time to start your own business; especially an Internet based business with very low overhead. Your main investment is your time, but the potential returns can be unlimited. There are many examples of people making hundreds of thousands and even millions through Internet marketing, despite the economic downturn. There have been several million dollar product launches in the last few weeks. To see the opportunities you just need to change your perspective. Look for problems or pain points that people are facing today; then think about ways you can help them solve those problems. You don't even need to create your own products; you can find existing products and help sell them for a commission. Find and fulfil an opportunity to genuinely help people and you will succeed!

Check out this website for free videos that will show you how you can profit in this and any economy. Keep your eyes open for opportunities and the take action immediately when you see one. Don't spend time thinking about what might be or could have been, seize the moment and change your life now.

There are opportunities awaiting all of us and we are surrounded by abundance. Stay positive and develop a burning desire for what you want to achieve in life.

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Lose the news!

There is something you can do today to be happier and maintain a positive attitude...stop reading, listening to , and watching the news (or at least limit your exposure). It's no secret that the news focuses mainly on the negative; and most of it has nothing to do with your own life. But, letting that negative information seep into your mind leads to anxiety, fear, and feelings of depression at a subconscious level. Why not choose to feed your mind with positive messages. Read personal growth books or biographies, listen to audio seminars, or watch movies like The Secret, The Opus, or The Ultimate Gift. Look for anything by Jim Rohn, Chris Widener, Brian Tracy, Zig Ziglar, Jack Canfield...the list goes on and on. They have messages that will inspire you and ideas that can change your life dramatically if you take the information and apply it! As an experiment, go on an information diet for a TV, no radio, and no newspapers. At the end of the week, reflect back and ask yourself: Did I miss it? Is my life better or worse after this week? Can I continue without these things? Most people will find the results to be very positive. Try it an see!

If you want a great resource for personal success materials in all formats, go to "Your Success Store" and check out the products they have. It will give you a great idea of what is available to start on a positive information diet. Also, I highly recommend subscribing to Success Magazine or at least visiting their website. The magazine has fantastic content every month and also includes a dual-disc (audio CD/DVD) every month. If you only subscribe to or read one magazine, this is the one!

Keep positive and lose the news to achieve your dreams!

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

Thursday, October 16, 2008

How do you approach life?

Have you ever stopped to consider your approach to life? How do you see yourself and how do others see you? Do those views match? Do you set your own sail or are you just along for the ride? Here are a few things to think about on how you live your life and view the world...

Be your own person. Always maintain your integrity. Treat others well. Have your own definition of success; make it personal. Serve others; become a giver. Know your values and do not compromise them. Stay positive. See the world as a wonderful place and expect wonderful things to happen every day. Be thankful and express gratitude for everything you have and everything you receive. Appreciate the abundance around you. Have a greater sense of purpose; don't get trapped into a feeling of false prosperity through material wealth. Understand your own personal "why" and stay committed to it. Be the change...take action...don't wait around for things to happen.

Have a fantastic day!

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

Monday, October 13, 2008

Free IM cool is that!

Just a quick post for anyone interested in Internet Marketing. Michael Rasmussen is giving FREE access to 12 online videos entitled "MiniSite Profits Exposed." It's a great introduction to Internet Marketing and it's free education. If you have even a slight interest, don't miss out on this offer. The videos are all you won't even have to pay shipping and handling. It is absolutely FREE!

Also, take advantage of Stephen Pierce's FREE book, "Make Real Money on the Internet."

Grab these free resources and you'll soon be on your way to making more money and achieving your dreams!

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

Automobile University

Zig Ziglar coined the phrase "Automobile University" many years ago to refer to listening to motivating and educational audio tapes in your car. Although cassette tapes are mostly a thing of the past now, the concept is still solid. If you are going to be trapped in your car for any period of time, why not learn something. Instead of listening to music or depressing news, take the time to fill your head with positive messages and life changing information.

Add up the amount of time you spend in your car commuting to work, running errands, or just driving somewhere for fun. Using just half that time listening to audio programs from Jim Rohn, Chris Widener, Zig Ziglar, Denis Waitley, or the hundreds of other speakers and teachers can dramatically improve your way of thinking and your life. With an MP3 player you can expand outside the automobile and take these powerful messages with you when you walk, go to the gym, or even when you shop. If you don't have time to read, you can get audio books and learn during times when reading is impossible or unsafe. With the popularity of the iPod and other MP3 players, there is now a huge availability of motivating, positive, and educational products on the Internet that can be downloaded in minutes.

Many places offer free audios of teleseminars and interview recordings. You can build a massive digital library from free products alone. If you want to get more content rich programs, you can find hundreds of options for sale and download at and (among others). I've been listening to educational audio programs daily for about a year and look forward to any time I can spend learning and expanding my mind. It can become almost addictive and soon you will never miss the radio or music CDs that filled the void in the past.

I highly recommend enrolling in "Automobile University" today and starting down the path to greater achievement!

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Have, Do, Be

Do you know what you want? Most people know exactly what they don't want, but have no idea what they DO want. It's easy to think negatively, to blame circumstances, to feel like a victim, to feel undeserving. But thinking and feeling this way will only bring more of what you don't want. The most important thing you can do for yourself to begin living the life of your dreams is to become crystal clear on what you want! Not what you think you can have, but what you really and truly desire in life. Ask yourself what you would have, do, and be if there were no limitations, no constraints, no obstacles. If your life was a complete success, what would you have, do, and be? Write it down. Let your desires flow on to the paper. Imagine your dream life. Write down the much as you possibly can. Now, think about these things every day. Review your list. Let it consume your thoughts. Be positive and believe you are deserving of everything on your list. This is MUST BELIEVE you are worth it. Finally, take action every day towards your desires. If you do this, you will achieve your dreams. You are what you think about, so think about what you want...all the time.

Here's to your lifelong success and getting what you deserve; your true desires.

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

FREE Money Making Guide

Everyone knows that the Internet is a money making goldmine. There are examples every day of people becoming extremely wealthy by developing their ideas on the Internet (think Google, mySpace, Amazon, eBay, etc.). What everyone doesn't know is HOW to stake their claim in the goldmine, find a free money making guide, and actually make money on the Internet!

If you have ever wanted to learn how to make money on the Internet or just want to learn more about this subject, please keep reading...

One way to make money on the Internet is through Internet Marketing. It's a confusing world of gurus, affiliates, adSense wizards, search engine optimization, squeeze pages, keywords, pay per click, banner ads, traffic generation, auto responders, and a whole host of other things we are bombarded by every day without really knowing what it is. Entering into this money making game can be confusing and overwhelming. The truth is, it really isn't that difficult and it can be very rewarding once you pull back the sheets and see what's inside! The key is to be patient, persistent, willing to learn, and focused.

An excellent way to learn about Internet Marketing and making money on the Internet is to get the free money making guide "Make Real Money On The Internet" by Stephen Pierce. Stephen was once told by family members that everything he touched turned to dust. He truly started from the bottom and has now achieved his dream life. He overcame his greatest obstacle, his own self-doubt and low self-esteem, to become a multi-millionaire marketing on the Internet. His credo is "fat free information, no fluff, no filler...the right information, right now." At 133 pages, the book lives up to his word. It is not a get rich quick guide; it is a step by step money making guide to learning the basics of Internet Marketing. It is a building block to get you started. It builds a foundation for continued learning while you start on your road to wealth.

Stephen discusses the following 7 steps to start making real money in his free money making guide:

  1. Market research and identifying niche markets
  2. Product or Service research (make your own or find someone else's to market)
  3. The Perfect Business - marketing and selling information products on the Internet
  4. Capturing contact information (at least name and email)
  5. Generating Traffic to your website
  6. Automation or putting your business on auto-pilot
  7. Up-selling and additional offers (creating repeat customers)

As I mentioned, the book builds a foundation for making money on the Internet. You must take the action to continue building on that foundation. Reading "Make Real Money On The Internet" will help you decide on what and how to market on the Internet. It will give you strategies for getting traffic to your website. It will teach you how to automate the process. It will help you generate new ideas. With it's concise and easy to read format, you can complete the book in about 2 hours and start taking the steps needed to make money on the Internet.

The book may seem over-simplified and it does lack some specifics on actually creating a website and publishing it to the web. But, as a free money making guide it is fantastic; and it contains extremely valuable information plus an accompanying resource website to get more information and continue learning.

The best part of all, Stephen is giving "Make Real Money On The Internet" away for free (*just pay shipping and handling). I highly recommend the book. If you would like to claim your free copy, click on the link below never know when Stephen may decide to stop giving this away!!

Until next time...stay positive and check out Stephen's book (you'll be glad you did!!).

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing


Welcome and thank you for taking the time to read this blog. The purpose and goal of this blog is to provide information related to personal development, goal setting and achieving, opportunities, and recommendations for books/audio/video, etc. The content will be positive and honest. At times there may be links to check out, opportunities to explore/avoid, or simply random thoughts to ponder.

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing