Thursday, October 30, 2008

Make Today Wonderful!

I am currently reading Brian Tracy's "Maximum Achievement," and I highly recommend the book to anyone interested in improving their life. Brian relates a story about a man who decided to wake up every morning and tell himself something wonderful was going to happen to him that day.

This struck a chord with me...mostly because of how simple it is compared to verbalizing a list of 100 affirmations in front of the mirror every morning! I decided to try it for myself. What an amazing little tool for starting the day off right. When I wake in the morning, before I even get out of bed, I think to myself..."something wonderful is going to happen to me today"...and I smile. I found that this simple process makes me happy and excited to begin the day. I now spend my day wondering what wonderful thing will happen to me next.

The bonus is that if you expect something wonderful to happen, then you are more tuned in to what is happening around you. And...something wonderful will happen! It may be something small like finding a quarter on the sidewalk or something big like getting upgraded seats at the baseball game (I started with free nose-bleed seats and ended with free seats behind home plate!). It could also be a pleasant phone call or an email you didn't expect, great seats at a restaurant, seeing a bird or wild animal that you don't see every day, seeing a single flower bloom in a garden; it really can be anything that lifts you up that day.

When something wonderful happens, acknowledge it and be grateful. This will affirm that wonderful things really do happen to you every day.

Start your day with this wonderful affirmation and you will be more energized, happier, and more positive. Try it's free, easy, and it works!

May something wonderful happen to you every day!

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

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