Saturday, October 25, 2008

More opportunity than ever...

It's hard to escape the doom and gloom stories about the economy these days. We are being bombarded everywhere...print, TV news and commercials, radio, Internet, etc. What is not being mentioned in the mainstream media is that we may be experiencing the greatest opportunity of our lifetime!

The stock market is tumbling...bad news right? Maybe if you are about to retire and neglected to convert your investment portfolio to lower risk and/or guaranteed return investments. But for the rest of us this can be great news. When is the best time to buy stock? When it's low! We are definitely looking at some lows right now. The key is to invest in companies that have a strong track record, have been in business for many years, and are likely to stay in business for many years to come (think "value investing" or the Warren Buffett way). The current stock prices for many of these companies do not reflect their true value and are essentially on "sale."

A down economy is also a great time to start your own business; especially an Internet based business with very low overhead. Your main investment is your time, but the potential returns can be unlimited. There are many examples of people making hundreds of thousands and even millions through Internet marketing, despite the economic downturn. There have been several million dollar product launches in the last few weeks. To see the opportunities you just need to change your perspective. Look for problems or pain points that people are facing today; then think about ways you can help them solve those problems. You don't even need to create your own products; you can find existing products and help sell them for a commission. Find and fulfil an opportunity to genuinely help people and you will succeed!

Check out this website for free videos that will show you how you can profit in this and any economy. Keep your eyes open for opportunities and the take action immediately when you see one. Don't spend time thinking about what might be or could have been, seize the moment and change your life now.

There are opportunities awaiting all of us and we are surrounded by abundance. Stay positive and develop a burning desire for what you want to achieve in life.

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

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