Thursday, October 9, 2008

Have, Do, Be

Do you know what you want? Most people know exactly what they don't want, but have no idea what they DO want. It's easy to think negatively, to blame circumstances, to feel like a victim, to feel undeserving. But thinking and feeling this way will only bring more of what you don't want. The most important thing you can do for yourself to begin living the life of your dreams is to become crystal clear on what you want! Not what you think you can have, but what you really and truly desire in life. Ask yourself what you would have, do, and be if there were no limitations, no constraints, no obstacles. If your life was a complete success, what would you have, do, and be? Write it down. Let your desires flow on to the paper. Imagine your dream life. Write down the much as you possibly can. Now, think about these things every day. Review your list. Let it consume your thoughts. Be positive and believe you are deserving of everything on your list. This is MUST BELIEVE you are worth it. Finally, take action every day towards your desires. If you do this, you will achieve your dreams. You are what you think about, so think about what you want...all the time.

Here's to your lifelong success and getting what you deserve; your true desires.

Scott Thomas
your guide to Opportunities Marketing

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