Wednesday, November 19, 2008

And Then I Saw Something Shiny...

All cylinders were firing, I was motivated, I knew what needed to be done, I was working effectively and efficiently...and then...I saw something shiny!!!

Does that sound familiar...diligently working away, making great progress, and then getting distracted? It happens to everyone and it brings productivity to a grinding halt. It doesn't matter what the actual distraction is, the impact is still the same. Once distracted it can take several minutes just to get back to where you were; if you are able to get back at all.

While it is nearly impossible to eliminate all distractions (or shiny objects!), you can greatly reduce them by taking a few disciplined actions:

  • Plan your day either the evening before or first thing in the morning.

  • Don't over plan! Be sure your plan is realistic and leave room for the unexpected.

  • Plan to work on your most difficult task or project when you are typically most alert (whatever time of day that happens to be for you).

  • Do Not multi-task...focus all your attention on one thing at a time. You are more effective and your mind will be less prone to wandering.

  • Turn off the phone(s). If you are working on a computer, turn off any popups and instant messages.

  • Give yourself a specific amount of time to work on a task, then set a timer/alarm.

  • Take a break. Don't go more than 2 hours without taking a short break to keep your mind alert. Stretch. Take a walk. Go outside.

  • Clean up your workspace so that the only thing that is in front of you is what you are working on (this includes closing extra programs/windows on your computer). You need to remove any of those shiny things that are trying to capture your attention!

  • Listen to classical music in the background. For some reason the brain really likes classical music.

  • Limiting people distractions could be the most difficult depending on your situation. If you have an office, close the door. If you work in an open area, use headphones or ear plugs to block out background noise.

To be successful, taking action is not must take FOCUSED ACTION! Eliminating potential distractions before you start will allow you to focus, be more effective, and get more done.

Finally, when the work is over don't forget to leave time to play!!

your guide to opportunities marketing

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