Monday, December 1, 2008

All Work And No Play...Is No Good At All!!

The older you get the faster life seems to fly by. It is already December and the year is a blur. Too often, we get bogged down with work, chores, and the daily grind and forget to take time out to truly enjoy and appreciate life. Weekends don't seem like enough time. Vacations are too few and far between. Fun is a distant memory.

To avoid burnout, it is important to take frequent breaks to re-connect with the activities that bring you joy, that energize you, and make life FUN!! Take a moment to think of the hobbies and activities that you participated in when you were younger. Are you still involved? If not, why? Think of the bumper stickers that say "I'd rather be..." and fill in the blank with your own desire. Make a goal to have more fun and plan it into every week. Instead of "I used to...", make sure you can say "I do..." and "I will..." and "I can...".

Be selfish about taking time for yourself. If you regularly plan time to actively pursue the things that you love (or once loved) to do, you will be re-energizing yourself and no longer regretting the time that slips away. You will in turn be more giving and present in the time that you spend with others.

Be generous with the time you spend with others. Make sure you are "present" and "in the moment" when sharing your time. Appreciate and enjoy the activities you engage in. Talk about your passions and your dreams for the future; avoid work, politics, and news of the world (there's a time and place for that).

You are never too old or too young to enjoy life. Don't sit on the sidelines; participate in making your life an adventure.

Build a life of memories, not regrets!


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1 comment:

Derick said...

Fun is something we all need to incorporate in our life. Even when raising kids, when you purposefully try to enjoy life you help build a better relationship with your child.

Thanks for the reminder.

Derick Dickens