Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How Are You Preparing For Tomorrow? Make Continuous Learning Your New Habit!

When it comes to learning, you've never "got it"...you are always "getting it!" That is why life is about continuous learning. If you don't embrace this concept as part of your daily routine, you will no longer be growing as a person and you risk a life of stagnation.

Continuous learning is essential to keeping your mind active and sharp. It is the catalyst for generating bigger and better ideas, for producing original thoughts, and for thriving in the information age.

Education is what you get from school. Learning is what you get from experience. Learning new skills and ideas is what keeps you perpetually moving forward towards greatness. It allows you to see more and be more than you may have ever thought possible.

As Einstein pointed out many years ago, the answers are always changing. If we are not willing to explore the new answers, we will become trapped in the past clinging to thoughts and ideas that are no longer relevant.

Eric Hoffer described this best when he wrote, "In times of change, learners inherit the Earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to deal with a world that no longer exists."

You are either growing or withering. Likewise, you are either learning or you are not. It's an active process. You will never reach a point where you know it all and you will never live long enough to exhaust the amazing capabilities of the human mind. What you learned in the past will no longer apply in the future (except in a historical sense).

Continuous learning, at its core, is the practice of continually preparing yourself to adapt to an ever changing world. It ensures you are in a position to respond intelligently, rather than react emotionally, to the changes we are all faced with every day.

Invest in your mind every day!

The easiest and most effective way to make continuous learning a daily habit is to join iLearningGlobal.tv and get high quality, high impact training from the best teachers in the world delivered to you instantly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Discover the future of continuous learning and personal development at http://www.ilgachievers.com/.

To your success,
Scott Thomas

1 comment:

Rat Race Trap said...

Scott this is so very true. Move or die. Change or die. Learn or die. However you want to say it, the same idea is in play. If you don't learn (change) then the changing world will just pass you right on by. What was good enough yesterday is not good enough today.