Monday, January 19, 2009

Who You Are Is Who You Are Until You Change!

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us."-- Ralph Waldo Emerson

"People are where they are because that is exactly where they really want to be - whether they will admit that or not."-- Earl Nightingale

Expectations, beliefs, and values shape our lives...we become what we see in ourselves. Your current stage in life was either reached unconsciously by your reactions to situations or through careful planning and a clear vision of who you want to be.

Regardless of how you became the person you are today, if you honestly reflect back upon your life you will likely realize that you are exactly where you expected to be. Everyone has a picture in their mind of what their life looks like. The picture is drawn over time and influenced by many factors, including our environment, education, imagination, and overall self-concept. It is burned into our minds during our early development and remains with us throughout our lives. Most people are not consciously aware of this picture and the limitations it places on their lives.

If you believe you provide little value and have low self-esteem, your life will reflect this. Your view of the world and your place in it will be a direct reflection of how you see yourself. Conversely, if you believe you provide great value and have high self-esteem you will achieve much in life. This is illustrated through many stories and biographies of people with humble beginnings who achieved greatness due to determination and an unwavering dream.

The reason it is so difficult to change who we are and improve our overall place in the world is because most people focus on external factors to change their circumstances. Although our self-image is orginally created through external factors; once it has been created the only effective way to change it is from within.

You must change how you see yourself on the inside before your life will begin to change on the outside. This change can be brought about through imagination, dreams, and deep thinking that lead to developing a clear vision of the life you want to lead.

Once you create a clear vision, you must document a plan for attaining your new life. The plan must consist of achievable, incremental goals that will allow you to chart your progress and celebrate your successes.

Finally, you must act upon your goals. Keep them clearly in front of you. Review them often and make changes as necessary. Visualize yourself already achieving the goals and feel the emotions of that accomplishment. See yourself in the future at different points in time. Let these goals and thoughts dominate your mind day in and day out.

This is not a one time process. Continually building on your dreams and adjusting your plan will ensure that you are always growing and always becoming a new you. When you do this, you are designing your future and your life instead of letting your limiting beliefs define you.

Make today the day you DECIDE to change and start designing the life of your new dreams!


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