Embrace your opportunities,
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Why We Must Fail!
Embrace your opportunities,
Monday, March 30, 2009
SUCCESS Symposium Review
This was the second symposium that I attended, and I enjoyed it even more than the previous one. Obviously the theme of the symposium is success, but it is more about striving to live a successful life on your own terms versus focusing on financial success.
Below is a summary (as interpreted by me) of the main points presented by each of the speakers:
Darren Hardy: The X-Factor in every success (or failure) is YOU! Realize and accept that your external life is a mirror of your internal life. You must build a strong foundation within, to build a successful life on the outside. You are the creator of your outcomes. For things to change, you must change (continuous learning and growth). Be passionate about designing the life you want to lead. Know WHY you want what you want, write your goals down, discover your strengths, and have faith in yourself and a positive future. Success is a formula built with specific steps and actions. Failure is a key ingredient in the formula; learn to embrace it as an opportunity to learn and grow. Consistency wins every time; you must keep on keeping on to succeed. As Edison says, "Our greatest weakness is in giving up."
Connie Podesta: Therapy is recognizing you don't know everything you need to know and admitting that you need help to grow and succeed. Figure out what you are really good at and what you don't like to do; pursue the first and avoid the second. Discovering what you don't like is a necessary learning experience that moves you closer to your true passion. Two questions that you must be able to answer "YES" to for a happy, healthy, and successful life: 1) Are you proud of the professional choices you are making every day? 2) Are you proud of the personal choices you are making every day?
John Fleming: Belief (in ourselves and of possibilities) and attitude (everything to do with everything that happens to us) cause our choices. We control what we believe and what we do. Whatever we pursue and practice, we must and will get better at. A vision, design, and plan must exist before anything is created; this is true of buildings as well as life. To be successful, we must be the architect of our own destiny.
John Maxwell: Sow the seeds of your life so generations beyond can reap the harvest. Live your dream every day by choosing to take daily action toward that end. Dreams are free, but the journey is not. You must have valid and strong reasons for achieving dream; the stronger the reason, the greater the odds of achieving your dream. Make sure your dream is really your own. Invest in yourself and be willing to pay the price to achieve your dream. Make sure it is realistic (for you) and within your control (you control your attitude, talent, and choices). Include the people in your life that can help you achieve your dream (who is on your team determines the success of your dream). Ask yourself: 1) What am I doing to develop myself? 2) What am I doing to develop others? Be an achiever...transform the ordinary into extraordinary.
Stedman Graham: Be the best of whatever you are. To be the best you must be free and you must understand what freedom means. Freedom is on the inside; it's what's within you, not the circumstances around you. You decide who you are, not the world. Each day you should strive to different than you were yesterday (grow and THINK every day). Make a plan for your life to grow and achieve. Know that you define yourself and you hold the power of your own potential. Find your purpose in life; transfer your heart and soul purpose to your mind and then send it out to the world. Nine keys for life: passion, vision, plan, principles, overcoming limits/fears, embrace change, team, decision/choices, and commitment. Winning is rising each time you fall and moving forward; the only way to lose is not to finish the race.
Mel Robbins: Big ideas cost no more than small ideas. See something larger IN and FOR yourself. To break out of the weeds and see the bigger picture run your life like a business (organized and planned), clear your mind (brain dump onto paper...make a list and get it out of your head), and exercise (move your body to clear your mind). Ask yourself, "What do I REALLY want?" Feel it in your gut and want it in your heart; make it bigger than your current thinking. "No way" is not an option; excuses are a waste of time and energy. Don't worry, just get going! Let your ideas out and chase after them. Use non-linear thinking to discover new options. Don't stray out of bounds, erase the boundaries. Opportunity lies outside the the imaginary boundaries. Don't just follow the crowd; big dreams are not achieved in common hours. Become a master of what inspires you.
Chris Widener: Ask yourself, what separates the successful from the unsuccessful (why to some achieve and some don't)? Opportunity surrounds us each day, it our duty to see it and seize it. Realize that we are the biggest obstacle to our own success (we hold ourselves back). Success is not the over-achievement in any area of life; it is the balanced achievement in all areas. Success is the result of virtue and talent (character and skills). Skills without character will never lead to true success and vice versa. The key is in becoming and being (what are you becoming as a result of your goals and choices? Is that OK?). We need to be reminded more than we need to be instructed; that is why it's continuous improvement. Integrity is the highest form of character; live by a single set of morals, ethics, and values. Be a whole person; act the same alone as you act with others. Words can breathe life or death; be careful with what you say and consider the impact of your words on others. Achieve and sustain success by staying true to yourself and guarding your heart. We can't choose how long we'll live, but we can choose how well! Strive to make a difference.
John Addison: Leadership is not a position, it's a disposition; it is about serving others, not controlling them. A crisis is simply a challenge to overcome; embrace adversity to learn, grow, and overcome. People follow actions and intentions...what you do says more than what you say. Choose your beliefs and your destiny; take responsibility for where you are right now. Be careful who you listen to and who you let have the keys to your mind. Protect your mind and feed it well. Winning isn't easy, but losing is harder. You have to go through the "mess" to get the message. Recognize opportunities and act decisively. Be prepared for opportunity. Feed your dreams and starve your nightmares. Your core (values, character, integrity, principles) is more important than what is around you (environment, circumstances). Acknowledge that you are the cause of your effects. Above all else, be happy where you are right now (and don't forget to tell your face...smile!).
Some of the concepts and messages shared at the symposium were old and some were new, but they were all worth repeating. There is always an opportunity to hear something in a different way or to interpret it through new experiences you've had since the last time. It's the power of one idea that can make all the difference.
The SUCCESS Symposium is about sharing ideas, growing, learning, and being inspired to make a difference in your own life and more importantly the lives of others. To that end, it was a great success!
I enjoy the energy and excitement of the live presentations. It is a fantastic way to learn and to meet others that have the same passion for personal growth. However, it's not practical to attend live seminars and conferences every day. For my daily dose of learning and growing, I rely on iLearningGlobal.tv. It allows me to access hi-def videos of some of the greatest speakers, business leaders, and thought leaders 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It's easy to spend 15 minutes a day feeding my brain and boosting my motivation.
To your success!
Scott Thomas
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Secret To Knowledge
Scott Thomas
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
How Are You Preparing For Tomorrow? Make Continuous Learning Your New Habit!
Discover the future of continuous learning and personal development at http://www.ilgachievers.com/.
To your success,
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Who Sets Your Sail? 10 Steps To Creating Your Personal Development Roadmap
"If you learn to set a good sail, the wind that blows will always take you to the dreams you want, the income you want, and the treasures of mind, purse, and soul you want."--Jim Rohn
Have you ever stopped to consider why you get the results that you do? Do you wonder why some people seem "lucky" and are able to glide through life always achieving more, while others toil daily just to make ends meet? Do you know where you want to go in life?
Where you end up in life is predominantly the result of the little choices you make each day. Small, seemingly inconsequential, decisions can have a major impact on your life later on. Imagine you were on a flight from Phoenix to Chicago. If the plane was off course by just 1 degree, where would you arrive? I don't know exactly, but I do know it wouldn't be anywhere close to Chicago!
When Jim Rohn says it is the set of your sail that determines your destination, he is referring to the way you live your life every moment of every day. Setting your sail involves knowing exactly where you want to go and having a specific plan for getting there. When you know these things, then you are able to factor that information into your decision making process to ensure that you are moving closer to your goals. Without the information, you will have no way of knowing where your decisions may lead you.
The key is to remain focused on your destination and flexible on your route. The "how" will change, just like the wind. When that happens you must be willing and able to adjust your course; to re-set your sail to capitalize on the change.
The following 10 steps will help to build your personal development roadmap and set your sail to achieve your dreams:
- Clearly identify, in writing, the results you want to achieve (your destination).
- If possible, find pictures/images that represent your destination. This helps to make the visualization of the end result more concrete.
- Identify all the reasons why you want to achieve these results (why do you want to arrive at your chosen destination?). The reasons must be personal and compelling; they must be your own.
- What will you need to learn or do differently? What critical information or skill are you lacking that is preventing you from moving forward?
- What have you done in the past that can help you get to where you want to be in the future? What skills can you build on?
- Who will you need to help you in your journey?
- When do you expect to arrive? How long will it take to achieve the results you desire?
- How will you get there? What is your plan? Think about the last step you will need to accomplish before you finally reach your destination. Then, continue to work your way backwards with each step until you reach the present. Realize and accept that the plan will change and evolve as you progress, learn, and/or encounter obstacles.
- What will you do and how will you feel when you have reached your destination? Decide in advance how you will celebrate and appreciate your accomplishment. Use your vivid imagination to see and feel yourself achieving!
- Choose a new destination and repeat the process; always focusing on continuous improvement and designing your future.
To your success,
Scott Thomas
P.S. The most effective way to learn how to "set your sail" is to join iLearningGlobal and get high quality, high impact training from the best teachers in the world delivered to you instantly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The best investment you will ever make is investing in yourself. Discover the future of continuous learning and personal development at http://www.ilgachievers.com/. You're worth it!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
What Is Your EvE Ratio?
Human nature drives us to predominantly move towards pleasure and away from pain. Obviously, entertainment and recreation bring great pleasure. This is why we are naturally drawn towards tension relieving instead of goal achieving activities.
The EvE ratio helps you quickly and easily create a measurable value that can be used to gauge your progress in personal development. And if we can measure something, we can manage it!
To determine your own EvE ratio you must do a quick analysis of all the things and activities you spend your time and money on for Entertainment. They may be:
- Television (cable or satellite costs)
- Movies
- Sporting events (live or on TV)
- Vacation
- Internet surfing (non-work related)
- Night life (happy hours, dance clubs, etc.)
- Hobbies
- Etc. (expand or contract this list as it applies to your life)
Now add up the average amount of money you spend on these activities each month (just guesstimate). Then do the same for the amount of hours you spend.
Once you have your numbers for Entertainment, determine the Education and Personal Development values. These things and activities may include:
- Non-fiction books
- Seminars/Training Classes
- Professional development (skill building for your primary job)
- Educational CDs, DVDs, or MP3s
- Online Learning (distance learning programs, iLearningGlobal.tv, Success University, etc.)
- Magazines like SUCCESS, Inc., Fast Company, Business Week, etc.
- Formal classroom education
- Etc. (expand or contract this list as it applies to your life)
Do the same exercise with your Education as you did with Entertainment; add up the average amount of money and average amount of time you spend each month.
The final step is to compare the numbers. Ideally these numbers will almost match; meaning you spend nearly equal amounts of time and money on your personal development as your recreation. In reality, most will find that the entertainment numbers far exceed education.
Once you know what your EvE ratio is, you have to ask yourself a very serious question:
Is that OK?
This is a personal choice. If you are happy with the ratio and with your current place in the world, then that is great. There is no need to change.
However, if you feel something is missing in your life and that you are not achieving all that you are capable of, then you must take action to change your EvE ratio.
The easiest way to do this is to start small. Begin allocating a percentage of the money you spend on entertainment to be spent on educational materials. Plan a specific amount of time each day or week to devote to your personal development. If you devote just 1% of your time, you will only need to spend 15 minutes each day investing in your mind (and your future!). Gradually increase these amounts over weeks or months until you reach your desired EvE ratio.
The purpose is not to give up entertainment and tension relieving activities, it is to find balance. I personally place a very high value on recreation (evidenced by my passion for mountain biking, kayaking, and other outdoor recreation). But, I also make sure I learn something new every day and I focus on continuous learning and personal development as part of my daily routine by watching videos on iLearningGlobal.tv, listening to inspiring and educational CDs in my car, and loading my MP3 player with audio from Jim Rohn, Chris Widener, Brian Tracy, Bob Proctor, and many, many more. By doing this I am able to turn education into entertainment and boost my EvE ratio at the same time!
Did you ever notice that LEARN contains the word EARN? Coincidence?
Remember, it's your time, your money, and your choice...CHOOSE WISELY!!
Scott Thomas
P.S. The most effective way to boost your EvE ratio is to join iLearningGlobal and get high quality, high impact training from the best teachers in the world delivered to you instantly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The best investment you will ever make is investing in yourself. Discover the future of learning and personal development at http://www.ilgachievers.com. You're worth it!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
How To Win In Today's Economy (And Tomorrow's)
The popular media continues to provide daily reminders of the economic woes, job losses, home foreclosures, stock crashes, etc., etc., etc. If you only listen to these stories, it's easy to fall into a defense mode. You scale back and hunker down for the inevitable crash. By doing this, you are essentially inviting failure and loss into your life. You lose focus on the opportunities and see only the problems. You have no momentum. You stagnate. You begin to feel helpless. Your perception shifts to continually seeing the evidence that supports the bad things that seem to be surrounding you. You no longer see the good and abundance that is everywhere.
How do you push past this? How can you switch to offense?
You need to change your mindset and change the input (what information you let in). You can't control the economy, but you can control how you view it. The following list provides tips that can help you move forward:
- Search for positive messages and examples of people who are thriving right now (or who have thrived in past economic downturns). Focus on opportunity, not problems. SUCCESS Magazine is a great place to read positive stories (online or in print).
- Quit listening to the mainstream media and start focusing on positive stories of success and achievement. Don't watch TV news and be careful what you read online or in newspapers.
- Don't cower and wait for things to get better; take positive action to find ways to make it better for you right now! Don't fall in the trap of thinking "I'll do it when..." or "As soon as xyz happens, then I'll ...".
- Be creative. If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got. You need to change things. Start mixing up your routine to get out of a rut and start blazing a new trail. This will lead to new thinking and new ideas.
- If something you perceive as negative happens, say "that's good" and then write down all the reasons why. For example, if you lose your job think about the potential benefits...you didn't like the job, there was no advancement, it's an opportunity to learn new skills, you may be able to change careers to something you've always wanted to do, you can spend more time with your family, you have time to exercise and get in shape while you search for a new opportunity, etc. Yes, losing your job is typically not a great thing but focusing on the potential good will keep your in a better mindset to move forward.
- Realize that money is just a tool. Don't focus on a lack of money or a need for money. Focus on what you do that provides value. You are compensated for the value and service that you provide; therefore you should focus on what you can DO, not what you can GET.
- Forget about all the things you can't do and instead think about what you can do! Don't waste time making excuses.
- Learn new skills to make yourself more valuable in the marketplace. Be willing to do those things that other people avoid. Build a reputation as a "can do, will do, go to" person.
- Take full accountability and responsibility for everything that happens in your life. This will give you control over any situation and prevents wasting time and energy playing the blame game.
Information is free; but not applying what you learn can be very costly! Don't let fear stand in your way. You already know what you need to do to ensure a great future. Start playing offense today and guarantee yourself a winning life!
Scott Thomas
The best investment you will ever make is investing in yourself. Discover the future of learning and personal development at iLearningGlobal.tv. You're worth it!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Shhhh...I've Got A Secret (The 11 Forgotten Laws)
When I first heard "The Secret" it made perfect sense to me. I was able to easily recall times in my life when I could definitely see or feel the law in action. I didn't know what it was at the time, I just knew that the things in life that I really wanted were easily attained. I recall many times thinking about a problem when I went to sleep and waking up with the solution. It was all just a part of every day life.
After learning about the Law Of Attraction I was amazed at how readily available the information was, and has been for hundreds of years. It was presented in "The Science of Getting Rich" [Wallace Wattles], "The Master Key System" [Charles Haanel], "Think And Grow Rich" [Napoleon Hill], and Earl Nightingale's famous "The Strangest Secret". All of these were decades (some over 100 years) before "The Secret" was released worldwide.
Simply put, the Law Of Attraction means that you attract into your life that which you think about with emotion. It has been stated as "think it, make it so", "you are what you think about most of the time", "like attracts like", and other similar phrases.
The best thing about "The Secret" is that it introduced millions of people to the Law Of Attraction. It also opened the door to hundreds of new books and products related to the law of attraction and additional advice on how to make it work in your life. Including "The 11 Forgotten Laws" that has just been released by Bob Proctor (one of the teachers in the movie "The Secret") and Mary Morrissey.
However, getting "The Secret" to work is not quite as easy as the movie or book would have you believe. To really work with the Law Of Attraction it must be studied and you must be willing, able, and ready to make a mental shift that will open you up to receiving what you truly want.
To further my learning of the law and its principles, I purchased "The 11 Forgotten Laws." I have fully listened to the program twice already, and will be going through it several more times. As well as studying the additional materials included with the program. I have experienced several Ah-Ha moments while studying the laws.
The program allows you to download all 12 CD's in MP3 format and also provides a members website where you can listen online, watch bonus videos, and access several other related bonus programs. It includes the complete transcript for the audio program and an e-book version of Raymond Holliwell's "Working With The Law" (which is what this program is based on). Finally, the website provides an online study guide that asks questions about each of the modules and allows you to cement your learning by capturing your thoughts as you review each module.
Everything is very well presented and the study guide helps you to actively learn the material instead of simply listening to it. When you have specific questions that you are seeking the answer to, you will pay greater attention to the material being presented. And when you write down your interpretation you will gain greater understanding.
Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey effectively present the information, providing many stories and examples to make the laws more tangible. They also explain how each of the 11 additional laws tie together and how they are essential to reaping the full benefit of the Law Of Attraction. They let you know that for these laws to be effective in your life (for you to reap the rewards you desire) you must study, practice, improve, and repeat. This is a life-long process, not a 2 week study course.
"The 11 Forgotten Laws" seeks to address the following concerns and frustrations of those who know about the Law Of Attraction, but can't seem to get the results they desire:
- “It seems to work for other people, but I just can’t get it right.”
- “I’m frustrated that sometimes I can get it to work, but sometimes I can’t. What’s the trick?”
- “Why am I having so much trouble?”
- “I think the universe is against me.”
- “I’m trying very, VERY hard but still nothing is happening!”
About 97% of people couldn't make the Law of Attraction work for them the first time around. Think about it, just like anything else, you have to practice many times before you see success. A baby doesn't learn to walk without falling over a couple of times, right?
Of course, everything is easier said than done. When you’re frustrated, it’s hard to stay positive. And it’s even harder to stay positive when the evidence all around you screams negativity; like the unstable economy, acts of violence around the world, and the bad news that spews from newspapers and television on a daily basis.
When you let these negative thoughts into your mind and fail to stay positive, you start attracting negative things into your life. Your conscious mind tells you that you don't want these things, but your subconscious mind is feeding on the negative and delivering (attracting) the undesired results.
So how can you make the Law of Attraction work for you – without getting frustrated? How do those who successfully implement the Law of Attraction do it with such confidence and finesse?
The following three quick tips taken from Bob Proctor's "The 11 Forgotten Laws" program will show you how to never feel frustrated or tired of begging from the universe and how to start manifesting like a pro.
1. Allow Yourself To Receive
Imagine if you approached someone on the street and asked, “Excuse me Sir, can you tell me how to go to the post office? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you? Can you?” If you go on and on asking, the other person can’t ever give an answer!
It’s the same thing with your mind. If the only thing your mind is doing is transmit, transmit, transmit, the universe — which is trying to respond — can’t give you a single thing because you’re not allowing yourself to receive!
You must have confidence in yourself and stop exhausting yourself by running around person to person begging for all that you desire in life, and then wondering why nobody is providing it to you (It’s because you’re running away from them before they can even respond).
Just think of your desires, be very clear, then leave it out there. Go away and trust that your desires will be fulfilled (whatever it is you asked for) when the time is right.
2. Be Patient With Yourself
Receiving takes time. Be patient and don't expect immediate results.
Many people give up just a couple of steps before the finish line because they've decided that if it’s not working by now, it’s never going to work. Or, they expend more and more energy because they think that with more resources, the results will come faster.
This is like expecting 9 mothers to conceive and deliver a baby in 1 month. You can’t bake a cake in half the time just by doubling the temperature; it will only burn. Everything in the universe has a natural development time, and this fact will not change no matter what resources you throw at it.
Relax, be patient, and remain positive. Believe that you will receive you desired result when the time is right. Remember that you, as part of the universe, are governed by the laws of the universe, and you cannot change the natural development time. If you remember this, you will be less likely to get frustrated or push yourself into a downward spiral of negativity.
3. Support and Educate Yourself
Like the baby who is learning how to walk, you need support. You also need to guidance on how to do it, and role models to look up to.
Many people give up because they think that “The Secret” is the “be all and end all” solution. If you've read this far, you know it’s NOT. “The Secret” is just a small portion. It was never intended to be, and has never been, the whole answer.
Coming to the conclusion that the Law of Attraction doesn't work when all you ever did to educate yourself was watch, listen to , or read “The Secret” 19 times (without looking at changing the habits of other areas of your life) is like coming to the conclusion that exercising is not an effective way to lose weight because all you did is run on the treadmill for 2 hours once (while still stuffing yourself with fast food and fat laden desserts).
You must seek and study new knowledge with a passion. Make an effort to spend time with people or join communities where you can support each other, learn from each other, and share new knowledge that you have found.
While the Law of Attraction does not provide immediate or overnight delivery service, it does indeed deliver. BUT, only if you do your part too!
Remember, the Law of Attraction is NOT the Only Law!
Discover 11 Other Laws Not Revealed in "the Secret"! Take a journey with Bob Proctor and Mary Morrissey that will change your life forever.
Click here to begin your journey now!
I wish you the greatest success and hope you achieve all that you desire.